For now visitors are only permitted with a prior appointment, this is to ensure we do not have a situation where we cannot ensure social distancing is possible for our safety and that of the visitor. If you have an appointment then upon arrival please adhere to the following:

Please do not visit our premises whether by appointment or not if you are showing any of the following symptoms:

  • Feeling unwell or has any possible symptoms of Coronavirus (a recently started cough or high temperature or any sort of tightness in the chest or trouble breathing or has lost their sence of taste or smell)
  • Has come into contact with anyone who has displayed symptoms of Coronavirus
  • Is currently self-isolating and when the self isolation commenced
  • Whether there are any occupiers in the property who are clinically vulnerable, over the age of 70 or occupiers with underlying health conditions
  • Whether there are any occupiers in the property who are clinically extremely vulnerable and are shielding


  • Wait outside the premises to be invited in (if it is necessary for you to enter the premises) ensure you wait 2 meters away from the office door
  • Upon entering the premises at our invitation, do not touch the door handle, please use the sanitizer (on the corner of Jeanette's desk), the door can remain open.
  • Upon opening the door we will have moved to the other side of the room to ensure social distancing can be maintained
  • Please walk to the desk at the end of the office and either stand or sit there (sitting is preferred as you will be behind the safety of the screen. This desk will have been wiped down prior to you entering the room.
  • Before leaving the premises wait for one or both of us to move away from the door ensuring your exit without breaching social distancing
  • Please use the sanitizer on your way out and do not touch the door handle
  • We will wipe down the desk after you have left the office

PLEASE NOTE: All visitors to the property will be recorded (name and a contact telephone number) this is to ensure if within a 14 day period following your visit we are made aware that we may have been exposed to the virus or that one of us is showing symptoms, we can contact you to let you know. Or if the NHS have been notified because one of us has tested positive, they can contact you. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO US RECORDING THIS INFORMATION PLEASE DO NOT ENTER OUR PREMISES.

We can all help control the virus if we all stay alert. This means you must:

  • stay at home as much as possible
  • work from home if you can
  • limit contact with other people
  • keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
  • wash your hands regularly

Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms